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Best Gaur Gopal Das Quotes for Stronger Mindset

“A satisfying life is not a privilege of a few. It is the birthright of every human being.”

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“There are no shortcuts in life. Doing small things correctly and consistently will help us reach our true potential.”

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“Right things are not always easy to do, but they pay us back with an excellent reward in the long run.”

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“Even a small part of our morning spent in self-awareness can make a large difference in the way we lead our day.”

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“Our experience in life depends on what we focus on. If we change our focus, we can change our life.”

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“To focus on what we can do is the most powerful catalyst for growth.”

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“Passion is about figuring out what you are great at and what you love to do.”

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“Everyone experiences anxiety, but they taste different flavors of it.”

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“Every moment lived well is the secret of overall wellness.”

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“Always remember that your most important project is you. You won’t be able to work on anything or anyone unless you have worked on yourself.”

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Top 10 Life Lesson Quotes by Albert Einstein

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