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10 Life-Changing Quotes by Sadhguru to Inspire Transformation

"The true measure of intelligence is not what you know, but your willingness to explore the unknown."

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"Change is not the enemy; it is the path to transformation."

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"Life's true purpose is not to seek happiness, but to experience the joy of existence."

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"Mistakes are not failures; they are stepping stones on the path to growth."

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"When you align with the rhythm of life, you find that stress has no place in your being."

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"Your potential knows no boundaries; it is limited only by your beliefs."

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"The past is a story you tell yourself. The future is an opportunity to create a new narrative."

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 "Working towards what you truly care about is the key to a purposeful life."

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 "Joy is not found in the pursuit of happiness, but in the expression of your true self."

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"A mind that dwells in the past or future is missing the beauty of the present moment."

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"Swami Vivekananda's" Top 10 Quotes on Life's Lessons

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