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10 Inspirational Quotes by Swami Vivekananda to Ignite Your Inspiration

 "Your true strength lies in your ability to rise after every fall."

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"Believe in the power of your dreams, and they will manifest in your reality."

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"The key to success is not in avoiding failure but in learning from it."

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"Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny; build wisely."

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"Live with purpose, for a life without purpose is a life half-lived."

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"Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

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"Success is not measured by wealth but by the lives you touch and inspire."

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"In the silence of self-discovery, you'll find the answers you seek."

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"The mirror reflects your face, but your actions reflect your heart."

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"A person who sees divinity in all beings truly understands the essence of life."

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Top 10 Inspirational Quotes for Success by Albert Einstein'

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